Summer is Almost Over!

Can you believe it?  Summer is almost over! I hear some of you cheering and some of you crying! Either way, we are headed for a new school year and it is coming up quickly!

Open House night at Rocky Run will be next Thursday, Sept 1 from 6pm-8pm. Be sure to attend!! This is a fantastic opportunity to meet your teachers, set up lunch accounts, visit organizations like Boy Scouts, pick up school supply packs, purchase Spirit Wear, etc.

We will also have sign ups open for the Pride Rock and Mt. Kim Martial Arts Ninja Night!! PTO can accept checks, cash, or debit/credit cards.

Would you be willing to come help us out that night? Go to the attached sign up genius to let us know. If you come to volunteer just come find us in the cafeteria and we will let you know which table you can help us tend to. We will be the ones in the crazy green shirts! 😉

Can’t wait to see everyone!!

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